
Cheats do not need some special enabling or activation. Just type the cheat code while in the game.

LAPOSTAL all weapons, full shields, health and ammo
LARANDY activates "supercharge"
LAIMLAME toggles invulnerability
LAUNLOCK adds items to the inventory
LACDS reveals the full level map
LANTFH teleportation
LAPOGO toggles the no-height-check mode, when enabled, you can move to a wall and get "elevated" to the upper level, or move to an edge and drop down without harm.
LASKIP ends the current mission and jumps to the next
LADATA shows coordinates
LAREDLITE freezes enemies
LASECBASE jumps to the level 1
LATALAY jumps to the level 2
LASEWERS jumps to the level 3
LATESTBASE jumps to the level 4
LAGROMAS jumps to the level 5
LADTENTION jumps to the level 6
LARAMSHED jumps to the level 7
LAROBOTICS jumps to the level 8
LANARSHADA jumps to the level 9
LAJABSHIP jumps to the level 10
LAIMPCITY jumps to the level 11
LAFUELSTAT jumps to the level 12
LAEXECUTOR jumps to the level 13
LAARC jumps to the level 14